About Realtor® Advocacy

About Realtor® Advocacy

Your Realtor® advocacy team ensures that our members’ voices are heard as decisions are made about the laws and regulations that shape our industry.

Through NVRPAC, NVAR is able to advocate on the local level, ensuring that the interests of Northern Virginia Realtors® are known to lawmakers and representatives and that the magnitude of Realtor® impact on Northern Virginia's economy and communities is recognized. NVAR collaborates with Virginia REALTORS® to advocate in Richmond, along with the National Association of REALTORS®, located steps away from the United States Capitol.  

Together, we also advocate on behalf of the consumers — representing the interests of homebuyers, sellers, and renters, and the commercial tenants who are directly impacted by changes in things like affordability, taxation, and ordinances. 

Explore Realtor® Advocacy Resources

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Watch this video for a recap of the 2024 Realtor® Lobby Day in Richmond, VA!



The REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) has promoted the election of pro-Realtor® candidates across the United States since 1969. The purpose of RPAC is clear: voluntary contributions made by Realtors® are used to help elect candidates who understand and support their interests.

These are not members’ dues; this is money given freely by Realtors® in recognition of the importance of the political process. The REALTORS® Political Action Committee and other political fundraising are the keys to protecting and promoting the real estate industry. 

NVRPAC results in meaningful local Realtor® advocacy wins such as the passing of Virginia Realtors® Health Insurance Legislation, Federal Homeowner and Rental Assistance Funding, and more.

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Latest Advocacy News: Town Hall Notes Blog

  • FIVE FOR FRIDAY: A weekly roundup of Public Policy News

    Feb 25, 2022, 13:09 by Josh Veverka
    1. Fairfax County executive proposes budget with tax-rate freeze, less pandemic austerity 2. Bi-County Parkway ‘back with a vengeance’ 3. NAR Comments on Proposed Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 4. Duplexes vs. McMansions: What makes a house too big for neighbors? 5. New Broadband Internet Options Close To Approval In Alexandria
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  • FIVE FOR FRIDAY: Local Budget/Real Estate Tax Rate Edition

    Feb 18, 2022, 14:01 by Josh Veverka
    1. Arlington County manager proposes budget that would freeze tax rate, increase employee pay 2. Real Estate Tax Rate Unchanged In Alexandria 2023 Budget Proposal 3. Loudoun County administrator proposes $3.5 billion budget for fiscal 2023 4. Prince William budget pitches meals tax, real estate tax boost 5. NAR Comments on Proposed WOTUS Rule
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  • From the Ground Up - February 15, 2022

    Feb 15, 2022, 12:21 by Chris Barranco
    The new "From the Ground Up" report enables members to be informed on upcoming projects throughout the NVAR footprint. Information will include, but is not limited to: proposed residential and commercial development projects in the news, rezoning applications and site plan amendments coming before local government, affordable housing project news, announcements of new businesses locating in the region and other economic development news.
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  • FIVE FOR FRIDAY: A weekly roundup of Public Policy News

    Feb 11, 2022, 13:00 by Josh Veverka
    1. NAR Supports Health Insurance Affordability 2. Letter to Fannie Mae on ANSI Measurements 3. Arlington leaders, Sen. Warner push for bridge funding 4. Lawmakers delay until next session bills seeking limited distance-based pricing on Greenway 5. Alexandria’s 2022 Real Estate Assessments Reflect Significant New Growth
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  • FIVE FOR FRIDAY: A weekly roundup of Public Policy News

    Feb 4, 2022, 16:52 by Josh Veverka
    1. The Richmond Report: Realtor® Advocacy in Action at the General Assembly 2. Virginia SCC Releases Opinion on Split Settlements 3. Fairfax PLUS Customer Service Platform Expands to Include More Land Use Applications 4. The Region Wants to Hear From You About the State of Housing in Our Community! 5. Senator pulls short-term rental bill, alleviating concern among Virginia Beach civic leagues 6. House panel advances bill giving localities power to sue ‘slumlords,’ tables other tenant protections 7. New Parking Regulations Adopted by Herndon Town Council
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