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For those who attended the 2016 installation ceremony for our 2017 Chairman Bob Adamson, you heard him say, “We must care for the communities we work in and the people, schools and businesses that make up those communities.
“We must care for those less fortunate than ourselves and make our giving back an integral part of who we are as Realtors®.”
To ensure that our members did take his theme to heart and show that “NVAR CARES,” Adamson invited members to choose any day in April for the association’s first-ever NVAR Realtor® Community Action Day. April is not only National Volunteer Month, but Adamson knew that whether our members give back as a group or alone, the dividends to this community are priceless.
Connecting with others as a volunteer, as a donor or as a mentor should be part of every practitioner’s strategy to build an excellent, well-rounded reputation, which is why Adamson chose this theme. No matter the size and reach of the effort, the principle is the same: Giving back proves that NVAR members are #MoreThanRealtors and that #NVARCares.
Here are those NVAR Realtor® Community Action Day contributors who shared their outreach in April, 2017: