Real Estate News

  • Outdoor setting with flowers and chairs
    April 04, 2017

    4 Genius Yard Upgrades Even a Klutz Can Crush

    You don’t need to be the host of an extreme home makeover show to build an amazing backyard. In fact, the transformative projects below are easy enough for even the klutziest home improvement newbie to complete.
  • Tax and deductions
    April 04, 2017

    Deductions Aren’t the Only Way to Save on Real Estate Taxes

    That’s no surprise. Roughly 9 out of 10 home buyers borrow money to buy a home, meaning they likely pay some form of mortgage interest. And property taxes are a near-universal expense for homeowners. Both deductions are crucial to making homeownership possible for the average buyer.
  • millennials-buying-homes-less-than-20-down-story-570x225
    April 04, 2017

    How Millennials Are Buying Houses With Less Than 20% Down

    If you pay attention to what’s written and said about people in their 20s and early 30s — the “millennial” generation — you’ll find two common themes
  • water sprinkler and flowers
    April 04, 2017

    Check Yourself: Home Maintenance Tasks You Need to Tackle in April

    Ah spring! It took you long enough to get here, but we’re happy to see you. In fact, we’re so grateful for the slightest hint of warmer weather that we’re ready to rush outside, full of fresh energy, and take on all of those essential springtime maintenance tasks.
  • batman watching over the city
    April 04, 2017

    How REALTORS® Are Watching Out for You and Future Homeowners

    Too often, legislators target homeowners when seeking to fund federal programs. Even recently, some tried to put the financial burden of highway and transportation programs on the backs of homeowner.
  • real estate license id
    April 04, 2017

    Using "REALTOR®": What's in a name?

    You use it every day, but do you fully appreciate what the REALTOR® membership mark signifies? From its earliest use, “REALTOR®” has been seen as a way to distinguish ethical practitioners.
  • A couple signing a home contract
    April 04, 2017

    7 Reasons to Work With a REALTOR®

    REALTORS® aren’t just agents. They’re professional members of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict code of ethics. This is the REALTOR® difference for home buyers.
  • realtor with a for sale sign
    April 04, 2017

    8 Things Realtors® Do to Earn Their Keep

    If you’re wondering what agents do to earn their paycheck, we’ve compiled a list of things they do when you’re not watching (or should be doing—if they’re not, maybe you need a different agent!)