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Jan + Feb 2018: NVAR Takes the Lead to Take Our Members Further

Ryan Conrad CAE CIPS RCE e-Pro

Your 2018 Chairman, Lorraine Arora, spoke during her Installation about the importance of leadership.

The concept of leadership has different implications for each of our membership cohorts – Realtors®, brokers, service providers, and association staff.

At NVAR, we’re committed to being a leader among real estate associations, with one central purpose: creating an environment that will lead our members to succeed. As we meet this month to develop strategic goals to guide our work for the next three years, that will be our focus.

We aim to embrace technology so that we can digitize your member experience – simplifying and streamlining your interactions with the association. We’ll also take the lead to research and share the best technology tools to keep your business moving forward.

We plan to introduce advancements that will help you work smarter to achieve your success – and the much- needed balance addressed in this issue’s cover article on page 20.

This year, we’ll take the lead to enhance our collaboration with strategic partners in the community in a way that elevates your professionalism and expands your business opportunities.

In 2018, we’ll work on professionalizing NVAR in a way that positions us as the best service provider for you and uncontested leader among Realtor® associations locally, nationally, and internationally.

Collaborate with us to ensure that you get the most out of your NVAR membership. We look forward to working together to establish our members as trusted leaders at the center of the real estate transaction.

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