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Call For Action: Tell TPB to Approve the Visualize 2045 Transportation Plan

I-270 Traffic

Our region is expected to gain 1.3 million new people and 1 million new jobs by 2045. We need to take an all-of-the-above approach to transportation solutions that keep our region moving including investments in roadways, transit, bike, pedestrian, airport, and technology infrastructure.

Click Here to Take Action on the Visualize 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan

The Washington Post Editorial Board recently published an Op Ed Titled “By opposing highway expansions, Maryland politicians risk more than gridlock” which outlines how politicians and anti-road activists risk the economic future of Maryland through their obstructiveness politics.

NVAR has long been an advocate for regional transportation solutions and has recently been very involved with the 495 Next project to continue express lanes from Virginia across the American Legion Bridge to I-270 in order to help alleviate the horrible traffic jams at the Bridge. NVAR, along with members of the Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance, worked with Maryland Governor Hogan and members of the TPB to get this project through earlier planning and review stages.  It was a tremendous regional effort and NVAR was a key player in the grassroots effort.

Removing roadway projects from this plan now will jeopardize the quality of life and access to opportunity for the 92% of people in the DC region who own a vehicle and rely on automobile travel to live, work, and play. Many of our region's employees cross that stretch to get to and from work.  Many decide they can no longer sit in that traffic.

We only have two days left to tell the Transportation Planning Board to support key infrastructure improvements in the most congested area of Maryland and DC Region.

CLICK HERE to Tell them enough of the delays! Approve the Visualize 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan NOW.

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