NVAR Global


About NVAR Global

NVAR Global represents the Association's strategically focused international activities in Northern Virginia and across the globe. The goal is to increase our members’ awareness of global business opportunities — both inbound and outbound — and to attract international investment to our incredibly diverse and culturally rich region.

NVAR Global consists of many initiatives, such as NVAR’s Cultural Forums, educational events and resources for Realtors®, Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) training, and more!

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Join us in Celebrating Global Success Month this March!

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What is Global Success Month?

Global Success Month is a collaboration between local, state, and international Realtor® associations. During this month, NVAR encourages Realtors® to focus on expanding their knowledge of global real estate and explore key resources. 

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Global Blogs

NVAR Achieves Diamond Global Council Recognition

Dec 1, 2021, 12:14 by Chris Barranco
NVAR is honored to receive the Diamond Global Council Recognition at the 2021 National Association of Realtors® Conference and Expo. NVAR is one of 12 associations to have been awarded this elite status to date.
by Chris Barranco

 NVAR Diamond Global Council
From left to right - Derrick Swaak, Veronica Seva Gonzalez, Mariana Koegel, Ryan McLaughlin, Mayra Pineda, Mario Rubio, Frank Doyle, Nicholas Lagos, Zhen Lin, Thai Hung Nguyen, Reggie Copeland.

NVAR is honored to receive the Diamond Global Council Recognition at the 2021 National Association of Realtors® Conference and Expo. 

The National Association of Realtors® (NAR) Global Achievement Program recognizes local Realtor® associations with the most active and impactful programs dedicated to the promotion of global business. Out of 1,200 Realtor® Association entities worldwide, NVAR is one of 12 associations to have been awarded this elite status to date.

This recognition demonstrates NVAR's long-standing commitment to global business. The NVAR Global program promotes international activities in Northern Virginia and across the globe, with a strategic focus on Realtor® and economic development and investment. 

To receive the esteemed Diamond Award status, local global councils must have achieved Platinum status for five consecutive years and meet all criteria for Platinum status when applying for the award in their sixth year. 

In 2021, NVAR’s Global achievements included hosting its first-ever virtual Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) program in a new format better suited to the organizational priority of meeting members where they are, aligned with the way they do business.  

Together with the Long Island Board of Realtors®, the Miami Realtors®, and North Carolina Association of Realtors®. NVAR pioneered the first Global Success Month in March.  

On July 30, recognized by the United Nations as International Day of Friendship, NVAR celebrated by hosting a luncheon with a live cooking demonstration featuring Korean Bulgogi; welcoming guests dressed in traditional cultural attire; and creating a curated display in its Fairfax, Va. headquarters depicting the Top 10 Countries (by population) represented in our region. Learn more at nvar.com/friendship

During its 2021 three-day Convention & Trade Show, NVAR hosted the Moldovan Ambassador to the United States to initiate a partnership recognizing NVAR Realtors® as a valuable resource for potential investors in the United States and Moldova. An NVAR leader interviewed the Guatemalan Ambassador to the United States at the Guatemalan Embassy to discuss the potential for future collaboration. These embassy connections were part of Global Connect at the NVAR Convention, offering specialized programming geared towards building international expertise and cultural awareness. Sessions included speakers from the DC Metro Chapter of the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA), National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP, the Fairfax County Economic Development Authority and others. Learn more at capitalizedc.net

NVAR developed a first-stop resource for individuals interested in moving to Northern Virginia, the Second Citizenship Resource Webpage. To access the page and learn more about NVAR Global, visit NVAR.com/global