Broker members represent a wide variety of business models, brokerage sizes, and personal preferences. NVAR encourages participation from all levels of members and looks to this group for information and guidance on the topics that Small Brokers find most important and relevant. The NVAR Small Broker Advisory Group provides direction on educational and networking opportunities geared toward Small Brokers and small business owners.
Forum sessions, designed by the Small Broker Forum Advisory Team, offer an informal setting that allows for an open exchange of ideas on topics relevant to these members. Topics include building and maintaining credit, marketing, real estate investing and preparing for tax season. For a list of upcoming events, please see below
(Open to NVAR Brokers with less than 10 agents)
Advisory Team Members:
Pamela Alcantara Hidalgo
Christine Blackwell
Anjana Budhathoki
Carlos Caraballo
Chekesha Catlin
Lee Goldstein
Krasi Henkel (Chair)
Angela Khoursheed
Joel Mack
Devin Moore
Muraji Nakazawa
Courtney Parks
Donna Paton
Sartaj Randhawa
Heidi Robbins (Vice-Chair)
Casey Sutherland
Reem Trahan
Ashok Varma
Staff Support:
Jina Myers
Senior Director of Operations, Marketing and Engagement Strategy
Monir Awad
Manager of Communications, Experience & Engagement
NVAR Small Broker Forum Presents: Secrets to Success With Brad Allen (August 18, 2021)
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