NV/RPAC Trustees


NV/RPAC Trustees

To provide an opportunity for individuals interested in the future of the real estate brokerage industry to contribute to advocacy for key Realtor® issues and the support of state and local candidates who demonstrate support for the principles to which the Realtors® are dedicated.


The NV/RPAC Trustees have general supervision and control over the affairs and assets of the Northern Virginia Realtors® Political Action Committee (NV/RPAC). The Trustees make recommendations on disbursement of NV/RPAC funds to political candidates and other political issues.

No formal application process available. Members on this committee are appointed by the incoming President of the Board of Directors.


Group Members:

Peter Bixby Gary Lange Jr
Mary Bowen Ava Nguyen
Mary Ann Burstein Christine Richardson
Miranda Carter
Veronica Seva-Gonzalez
Jonathon Coles Derrick Swaak
Michelle Doherty

Staff Support: 

Josh Veverka
Senior Director of Government Affairs
Mary Ann Burstein

Mary Ann Burstein

Mary Bowen

Mary Bowen