Agency FAQ

Agency FAQs

A home inspector has requested access to one of my listed properties. How can I allow access?

What happens when a buyer conducts a walk-through inspection the day before (or the day of) settlement, only to discover outstanding items the seller agreed, but failed, to repair?

How many walk-through inspections is a buyer allowed? Can the seller limit the buyer to only one walk-through inspection?

Is the buyer allowed more than one walk-through inspection, even if there is nothing for the seller to repair or replace?

Right to Sell v Exclusive Agency Listing Agreement

Who owns the listing?

What Happens to Listings When You Change Company?

I am the listing agent As part of the listing I made an offer for cooperation of X percent Now that we have a ratified contract, the lender will approve the transaction but wants to reduce the amount of commission. What do I do?

I'm interested in starting a real estate team What do I need to know?

When do I become an agent, and when does that relationship end?

What is a Non-Agent?

What are the Do’s and Don’t of Personal Assistants and Real Estate Assistants?

What constitutes “substantive discussion” about a particular property?

How long should I keep my business records/files?

What happens to a listing/buyer agreement when the agent changes brokerages?

What is a designated agent and what services can a designated agent provide?

What is a dual agent?

What is a limited service agent?

Limited Service Limbo - What Rules Apply?

The seller is represented by a limited service broker The buyer has reason to believe that the furnace in the property emits high levels of carbon monoxide As the buyer’s agent, I have tried to contact the limited service broker to obtain the information, and I was informed this was not part of the services for which he was contracted Does the limited service broker have a duty to disclose this information?

Commercial Council