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How to Enter Broker Compensation into the Exclusive Right to Lease Listing Agreement

  • Arian Wahab
Feb 14, 2025

Form K1281, the Exclusive Right to Lease Listing Agreement (ERRL), NVAR’s agreement for brokers and landlords in rental listings, was updated for January 1, 2025. Paragraph 6, which addresses broker compensation, did not substantially change from the previous version; however, the addition of the checkbox in front of subsection B for Tenant Broker Compensation has created some confusion.

Remember that the ERRL allows for the option of sharing broker compensation with a Tenant’s Broker, if any. Thus, if your landlord agrees for the Landlord’s Broker to share a portion of their compensation with a Tenant’s Broker, they should select the checkbox in 6(B) and enter any amount that is offered to any Tenant’s Broker in the corresponding blanks. 

Where does the confusion come in? In the January 1, 2025, update to the form, the word “total” was bolded in 6(A), the section which refers to what Landlord pays as broker compensation in full. Unlike sales forms, where a Seller puts an amount going to the Listing Broker only in 6(A), the ERRL contemplates a total broker compensation, which covers both the amount going to the Landlord’s Broker and to the Tenant’s Broker, if any.

Here are the steps for two common scenarios (any numbers used below are for demonstrative purposes only):

1. Landlord agrees for Landlord’s Broker to share a portion of the broker compensation with a potential Tenant’s Broker.

Step 1: Landlord consents to Landlord’s Broker making an offer of compensation to any Tenant’s Broker bringing a ready, willing, and able tenant.

Step 2: Fill an amount as broker compensation in 6(A) of the ERRL. Remember that this amount contains the total of what is going to Landlord’s Broker AND to Tenant’s Broker!

Step 3: Select the checkbox in 6(B) of the ERRL.

Step 4: Fill an amount as Tenant’s Broker Compensation in 6(B) of the ERRL. This number cannot exceed the amount in 6(A). Remember that Tenant’s Broker Compensation is a portion of the total broker compensation paid by Landlord, and thus subtracted from the amount in 6(A).

Step 5: Prior to lease ratification, both Landlord’s Broker and Tenant’s Broker come to a written agreement finalizing Landlord’s Broker’s offer of compensation to Tenant’s Broker, which amount must mirror the number agreed to in 6(B). Feel free to use our new Form K1404 – Tenant’s Broker Compensation Agreement to memorialize the agreement between the Brokers!

Step 6: (If applicable) If the amount of Tenant’s Broker Compensation changes in this final written agreement between the Brokers, then Landlord and Landlord’s Broker must amend the ERRL to reflect the final Tenant’s Broker Compensation.

Practice tip: When is paragraph 6(C) for Additional Listing Broker Compensation for Unrepresented Tenant checked? This is an optional provision that may come into play when there is no payment between brokerages (i.e. paragraph 6(B) is not filled out). This is only applicable if the tenant is unrepresented, and this amount would be paid to Landlord’s Broker in addition to the broker compensation in 6(A). In the event of an unrepresented tenant, Landlord’s Broker would get the entire amount in 6(A) + 6(C). Tenant’s Broker Compensation in 6(B) would never be subtracted.

2. Landlord does not agree upfront for Landlord’s Broker to offer any portion of their broker compensation to a Tenant’s Broker.

Step 1: Landlord either wants to consider Tenant requests for financial contribution at the time of application or does not wish to offer Tenant’s Broker Compensation at all.  

Step 2: Fill an amount as broker compensation in 6(A) of the ERRL. This amount would go to Landlord’s Broker in its entirety.

Step 3: Skip 6(B) of the ERRL.   

               If the landlord later wishes to offer some compensation to a Tenant’s Broker by lease ratification, the following steps apply:

Step 4: A tenant requests a financial contribution for Tenant’s Broker Compensation at the time of application.

Step 5: Prior to lease ratification, both Landlord and Tenant’s Broker come to a written agreement finalizing Landlord-Paid Tenant’s Broker Compensation. Feel free to use our new Form K1404 – Tenant’s Broker Compensation Agreement to memorialize this agreement!

Step 6: Landlord and Landlord’s Broker do not need to amend the ERRL.



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