Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Your Realtor® advocacy team works tirelessly to protect the real estate industry. Although not an exhaustive list, check out recent victories that Realtors® can be proud of, including legislative, executive, and judiciary branch wins.  

Affordable Housing - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Affordable Housing Programs:


Rural Housing

State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds:

Agency Confirmations - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

FHA Commissioner

FHA Director

Anti-Money Laundering - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Beneficial Ownership Rule

FinCEN Funding

Commercial Real Estate - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Adaptive Reuse Bills

EB-5 Regional Center Program:

Energy Efficiency - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

New Energy Efficiency Tax Credit and Rebate Programs for Property Owners

Fair Housing - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Increased Funding

Federal Tax - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Inflation Reduction Act

Flood Insurance - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Disaster mitigation and flood mapping

National Flood Insurance Program

Housing Finance and Assistance - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Homeless Assistance Program

Housing Counseling

LIBOR Transition

Rental Housing - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

CARES Act Notice-to-Vacate Requirement:

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

Rental Assistance Funding

Violence Against Women Act

Small Business - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

SBA Programs

State and Local - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Rent Control

Student Loan Debt - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Fixes to Existing Programs

Relief for Borrowers at Fraudulent For-Profit Institutions

Technology - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Broadband Funding

SECURE Notarization Act

Transportation and Infrastructure - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework Funding

Coming soon: Brand New NV/RPAC Live from Richmond Series!

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Government Affairs Blog

REALTOR® Party — The Realtor® Voting Block, Strength in RPAC

Oct 16, 2024, 16:23 by Hena Rashid
In the bustling landscape of democracy in Virginia, and elsewhere throughout the United States, there is a significant voter population woven into this nation’s fabric, one that champions the American Dream — Realtors®.

By Danielle Finley, Associate Director of Political Engagement at Northern Virginia Association of Realtors® 

In the bustling landscape of democracy in Virginia, and elsewhere throughout the United States, there is a significant voter population woven into this nation’s fabric, one that champions the American Dream — Realtors®.

Realtors®, steeped in the daily troughs of the industry, are not the typical industry players — they’ve got an experts’ knack. As the community subject matter expert, Realtors® influence in the political arena impact local government, the General Assembly, Capitol Hill, and beyond advocating for housing policies that have a direct impact on business and anyone who uses roads or shelter — that’s inclusive to everyone! Thank a Realtor® who is engaged. If there is an issue in the community, Realtors® know who to call to get it fixed. Realtors® get things done, large and small.

Let’s breakdown the Realtor® voting block:

  •  1.3 million Realtors® are registered to vote nationwide. 
  • 90% of Realtors® based in Virginia are registered to vote.
  • Party affiliation is split evenly between Democrat and Republican, among those who are registered, equally representing the true political makeup of the country. (Source: Realtor® Voter Registration & Participation Map)

Why does this matter? 


Changes in taxation, zoning laws, housing regulations, and mortgage policies can profoundly impact the landscape. For example, an amendment to the tax code may affect property values and market demand. Realtors® are inherently motivated to participate actively in the political process to safeguard collaborative interests in the marketplace and for homebuyers to build generational wealth. 

Leveraging the power of the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) by supporting housing-forward candidates at the ballot box ensures we are working toward a common interest of supporting somebody who advances housing and brings economic growth to the area.


Under one Realtor® voice, we seek favorable policies through lobbying elected officials to get the job done. By engaging in political advocacy, Realtors® engage lawmakers on bills to have the tough conversations and give profound testimony — in numbers — persuading public policy decisions.

Like any invested community stakeholder, Realtors® recognize that by actively participating in advocacy efforts they contribute to building vibrant communities, particularly on issues that enhance local infrastructure, education, and public safety.


Realtors® understand the strategic avenue to accomplishing a task with others is by making and leveraging those relationships within your network. The same rings true when working through advocacy initiatives, working directly for that one special candidate on election day, and through investments as a political contribution to achieve results. By and large, investment in the REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) is what strengthens what Realtors® call the “REALTOR® Party.”

For the past 45 years RPAC has promoted the election of bipartisan, pro-Realtor® candidates across the United States. When it comes down to statistics, we have an outstanding 93% election success rate [with candidates endorsed through RPAC]. Candidates remember us from the start because we are there from their beginning. Real estate is the business of cultivating relationships.

Listen now to the Advocacy Scoop podcast by Shannon McGahn, NAR Chief Advocacy Officer & Patrick Newton, Director of Advocacy and PR Communications, on Unpacking RPAC!” ahead of the 2024 election.