Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Your Realtor® advocacy team works tirelessly to protect the real estate industry. Although not an exhaustive list, check out recent victories that Realtors® can be proud of, including legislative, executive, and judiciary branch wins.  

Affordable Housing - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Affordable Housing Programs:


Rural Housing

State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds:

Agency Confirmations - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

FHA Commissioner

FHA Director

Anti-Money Laundering - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Beneficial Ownership Rule

FinCEN Funding

Commercial Real Estate - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Adaptive Reuse Bills

EB-5 Regional Center Program:

Energy Efficiency - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

New Energy Efficiency Tax Credit and Rebate Programs for Property Owners

Fair Housing - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Increased Funding

Federal Tax - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Inflation Reduction Act

Flood Insurance - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Disaster mitigation and flood mapping

National Flood Insurance Program

Housing Finance and Assistance - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Homeless Assistance Program

Housing Counseling

LIBOR Transition

Rental Housing - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

CARES Act Notice-to-Vacate Requirement:

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

Rental Assistance Funding

Violence Against Women Act

Small Business - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

SBA Programs

State and Local - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Rent Control

Student Loan Debt - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Fixes to Existing Programs

Relief for Borrowers at Fraudulent For-Profit Institutions

Technology - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Broadband Funding

SECURE Notarization Act

Transportation and Infrastructure - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework Funding

Coming soon: Brand New NV/RPAC Live from Richmond Series!

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Government Affairs Blog

FIVE FOR FRIDAY: A weekly roundup of Public Policy News

Oct 22, 2021, 10:24 by Josh Veverka
1. Housing Stakeholders Join Chairs Brown and Waters to Call for the Inclusion of Housing Provisions in the Budget Reconciliation Package 2. New I-66 express lanes on schedule to open in December 2022 3. REMINDER: Absentee Ballot Deadline Oct. 22, Early In-Person Voting Open Through Oct. 30 for November 2 General Election 4. Arlington’s ARPA Allocation Focuses on Recovery and Equity 5. Richmond Highway BRT Virtual Community Meeting

FIVE FOR FRIDAY1. Housing Stakeholders Join Chairs Brown and Waters to Call for the Inclusion of Housing Provisions in the Budget Reconciliation Package

A diverse group of housing stakeholders, including NAR, gathered at the Capitol this week to call for substantial investment in housing as part of the budget reconciliation package currently being negotiated in Congress.

2. New I-66 express lanes on schedule to open in December 2022

It’s one of the largest and most expensive highway projects the D.C. area has ever seen, but the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway project is still scheduled to finish on time in December 2022. “Yes we are on schedule for December tolling, opening the express lanes,” said Susan Shaw, director of mega projects for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).

3. REMINDER: Absentee Ballot Deadline Oct. 22, Early In-Person Voting Open Through Oct. 30 for November 2 General Election

Voters wishing to cast a mail-in ballot in the November 2, 2021 elections have until 5 p.m. on Friday, October 22 to request a ballot be sent to them. All registered voters in Virginia are eligible to vote by mail or in person. The deadline to vote early is Saturday, October 30, at 5 p.m.

4. Arlington’s ARPA Allocation Focuses on Recovery and Equity

Arlington County Manager Mark Schwartz shared his proposal for the use of American Rescue Plan Act Funds and Fiscal Year 2021 Close-out funds during the Tuesday, Oct. 19, County Board meeting. The County Manager’s proposal is intended to meet the most significant needs for Arlington residents and businesses.

5. Richmond Highway BRT Virtual Community Meeting

The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) will hold a virtual community information meeting to update the public on the Richmond Highway BRT right-of-way acquisition process and discuss potential impacts. This meeting will focus on the process in general and will not address questions about specific properties.