Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Your Realtor® advocacy team works tirelessly to protect the real estate industry. Although not an exhaustive list, check out recent victories that Realtors® can be proud of, including legislative, executive, and judiciary branch wins.  

Affordable Housing - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Affordable Housing Programs:


Rural Housing

State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds:

Agency Confirmations - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

FHA Commissioner

FHA Director

Anti-Money Laundering - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Beneficial Ownership Rule

FinCEN Funding

Commercial Real Estate - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Adaptive Reuse Bills

EB-5 Regional Center Program:

Energy Efficiency - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

New Energy Efficiency Tax Credit and Rebate Programs for Property Owners

Fair Housing - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Increased Funding

Federal Tax - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Inflation Reduction Act

Flood Insurance - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Disaster mitigation and flood mapping

National Flood Insurance Program

Housing Finance and Assistance - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Homeless Assistance Program

Housing Counseling

LIBOR Transition

Rental Housing - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

CARES Act Notice-to-Vacate Requirement:

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

Rental Assistance Funding

Violence Against Women Act

Small Business - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

SBA Programs

State and Local - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Rent Control

Student Loan Debt - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Fixes to Existing Programs

Relief for Borrowers at Fraudulent For-Profit Institutions

Technology - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Broadband Funding

SECURE Notarization Act

Transportation and Infrastructure - Realtor® Advocacy Wins

Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework Funding

Coming soon: Brand New NV/RPAC Live from Richmond Series!

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Government Affairs Blog

Arlington County to Begin Missing Middle Housing Study in 2020

Dec 18, 2019, 14:22 by User Not Found
The County Manager yesterday reviewed with the County Board a framework for the Missing Middle Housing Study, which is anticipated to begin in 2020.

Source: Arlington County

The County Manager yesterday reviewed with the County Board a framework for the Missing Middle Housing Study, which is anticipated to begin in 2020. The study is under the Housing Arlington umbrella and will explore if and how missing middle housing could help address Arlington’s limited housing supply and inadequate housing choices.

Missing middle housing types—such as duplexes and triplexes—are currently restricted in many neighborhoods by Arlington’s land use policy and Zoning Ordinance. Barriers to building them make it difficult to increase the County’s housing supply and provide more choices at a broader range of prices.

“We look forward to a robust, thoughtful conversation with the community about missing middle housing, and whether and how this type of housing might work for Arlington,” Arlington County Board Chair Christian Dorsey said. “The community will be involved from the beginning, helping determine the scope and charge for this study, and there will be several months of engagement and discussion before any specific proposals emerge.”

Growth and housing supply, a regional issue

As the demand for housing increases across the region, the real estate market is not meeting the needs of residents. From the County’s 2018 Big Idea Roundtables, and recently during the Housing Arlington Community Conversation Series, it was clear that Arlington residents are frustrated by rising housing costs and lack of housing choices. Examining opportunities to diversify Arlington’s housing stock was identified in the County’s 2015 Affordable Housing Master Plan, where objectives and policy directives provided specific direction to address missing middle housing.

Planning is just getting started

The Missing Middle Housing Study is envisioned in three phases that will kick off in the second quarter of 2020.

Starting from a blank slate with no proposed policy or zoning changes, a County-led team will use inclusive public engagement, a cross-disciplinary team of experts, extensive data collection and analysis, and an iterative design process to create study recommendations for the Board to consider. In addition to establishing a shared definition for the term missing middle, the study aims to:

  • Determine if, and how, new housing types can help address the shortage of housing supply in Arlington;
  • Locate where new housing types could be compatible with existing neighborhoods; and
  • Identify what strategies could be employed to mitigate any negative impacts.

County staff’s report to the County Board emphasized that neither an across-the-board rezoning, nor an elimination of single-family zoning, would be the right fit for Arlington. Policies and regulations will be informed by community recommendations to advance the County’s vision for equity, diversity, inclusion and creating a biophilic, resilient community. Solutions will need to be context-sensitive—not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Next steps include preparing a detailed scope of work, study charge, and engagement plan which will be reviewed with advisory boards and commissions and the broader community.

Sign-up to stay engaged

Now is an ideal time for renters; homeowners; students; employees; businesses; community groups; civic associations, and all Arlington stakeholders to get involved. Subscribe here for study updates, process materials, and engagement opportunities.

About Housing Arlington 

Arlington is a desirable community and benefits from an evolving economy and growing population. However, as housing demands have increased, pressures on the regional and local housing market have intensified, causing shortfalls in housing supply, fewer options in housing types, and rising housing costs. These are regional issues that will require regional solutions.

To locally address this challenge, the County Board established an umbrella program, Housing Arlington, in March 2019. Working beyond traditional policies and programs, Housing Arlington takes a proactive, expanded approach to reach an equitable, stable, adaptive community. Over several years, the program will generate holistic housing solutions through planning and implementation tools, housing policy, financial resources, and innovative local and regional public-private partnerships.

In October and November 2019, Housing Arlington hosted three virtual dialogues about the intersection of housing with other community-wide issues: economics, the environment, and equity. Key takeaways from each conversation highlight challenges, considerations, and ideas for solutions.