Priority Issues

Read about NVAR's work on several legislative and regulatory policy goals, including current priority issues, ongoing issues, standing Public Policy Positions, and recent Realtor® Advocacy Wins. Make your voice heard by submitting feedback for the annual NVAR Legislative Program, submitted every spring. 

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2024–2025 NVAR Legislative Agenda

Download the 2023-2024 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA (2)
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On-Going Issues

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NVAR Legislative Program

Legislative Program

Every spring, NVAR compiles legislative and regulatory policy goals for the coming year into a document called the NVAR Legislative Program.

The Legislative Program is developed over several months based on feedback given by NVAR members. The process begins in March, when NVAR committees and forums are asked to submit issues to the NVAR Public Policy Committee for consideration. Individual Realtors® may also submit issues to the committee. A task force researches these issues and recommends pertinent ones for inclusion in the Legislative Program.

Once a draft program has been developed, the Public Policy Committee reviews it and sends a final draft to NVAR’s Board of Directors for consideration. Following approval by the Board, NVAR forwards the program to the Virginia Association of Realtors® for inclusion in the statewide list of legislative priorities.

Your voice is important to us. If you have suggestions for items we should be looking into please email us at OR fill out this quick form.

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Town Hall Notes Blog

FIVE FOR FRIDAY: A weekly roundup of Public Policy News

May 20, 2022, 12:58 by Josh Veverka
1. Administration Releases Housing Supply Plan 2. New federal programs offer Virginia households a subsidy for affordable high-speed internet 3. Dulles Toll Road users could see rate increase to pay for Silver Line 4. Residents Form Group to Advocate for Housing Affordability 5. Fire Factor™ supports NAR Policy
FIVE FOR FRIDAYWelcome to FIVE FOR FRIDAY: A weekly roundup of Public Policy Issues and Headlines from around the Northern Virginia Region, the Commonwealth and on Capitol Hill.

1. Administration Releases Housing Supply Plan
The White House is releasing a comprehensive Housing Supply Action Plan designed to ease the burden of housing costs by boosting the supply of housing in every community. NAR has been sounding the alarm for several years about the housing supply and affordability crisis and is pleased to see the Administration propose action to address these challenges.
Related: NAR Statement on President Biden's Housing Supply Plan

2. New federal programs offer Virginia households a subsidy for affordable high-speed internet
Federal and state officials are rolling out a fleet of new programs in an expansive effort to bring faster and less expensive internet to all Virginians, especially those who have had trouble connecting in the past. The Biden administration announced last week an agreement with internet providers that will effectively offer free internet access to low-income households. . . . The agreement builds on an internet subsidy that is part of the massive infrastructure spending bill Congress passed last year. Both Virginia Sens. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner supported the law. Warner, a longtime proponent of broader internet access, was one of the lawmakers who negotiated the $1 trillion infrastructure package.

3. Dulles Toll Road users could see rate increase to pay for Silver Line
Dulles Toll Road users could see tolls rise to $6 starting in January under a proposal being considered by the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority’s board of directors. Drivers who exit the road now pay $4.75 — $3.25 at the main toll plaza and $1.50 at a ramp. Under the new proposal, rates would increase by $1.25, rising 75 cents at the main toll plaza and 50 cents at off-ramps. It would be the first rate increase since 2019.

4. Residents Form Group to Advocate for Housing Affordability
Zoning, housing affordability and density are hot topics in Alexandria, and while few people oppose affordable housing, the changes in regulations around zoning and density have rankled many vocal residents. On the other end of the spectrum, a group of residents has formed with the goal of making housing more affordable by supporting increased density, which they believe will in turn encourage the development of communities that are diverse, sustainable, connected and productive, while also being more public transit and bike/pedestrian friendly.
Related: Is single-family zoning on the chopping block in Arlington?

5. 1 in 6 Americans live in areas with significant wildfire risk, Post analysis shows. Use our map to check the risk where you are.
By 2052, that share will increase to 21 percent, with nearly half of all Americans exposed living in the South, according to a Washington Post analysis of data provided by the First Street Foundation. Minorities face a disproportionate wildfire threat, the data shows.
Related: Fire Factor™ supports NAR Policy