Every spring, NVAR compiles legislative and regulatory policy goals for the coming year into a document called the NVAR Legislative Program.
The Legislative Program is developed over several months based on feedback given by NVAR members. The process begins in March, when NVAR committees and forums are asked to submit issues to the NVAR Public Policy Committee for consideration. Individual Realtors® may also submit issues to the committee. A task force researches these issues and recommends pertinent ones for inclusion in the Legislative Program.
Once a draft program has been developed, the Public Policy Committee reviews it and sends a final draft to NVAR’s Board of Directors for consideration. Following approval by the Board, NVAR forwards the program to the Virginia Association of Realtors® for inclusion in the statewide list of legislative priorities.
Your voice is important to us. If you have suggestions for items we should be looking into please email us at govaffairs@nvar.com OR fill out this quick form.
House Joint Resolution No. 622: Commending the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors®
Feb 10, 2021, 09:18
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Delegate David Bulova (Fairfax City/Fairfax) introduced a Commending Resolution on January 22, 2021 commemorating NVAR's Centennial.
Legislators introduce Commending Resolutions each year to honor an individual or mark a milestone or accomplishment of a person or organization. Usually these people or organizations are located in the district of the legislation's Patron (sponsor) or have worked closely with that legislator.
Delegate David Bulova (Fairfax City/Fairfax) introduced a Commending Resolution on January 22, 2021 commemorating NVAR's Centennial. Delegate Bulova has worked closely with NVAR during his years in office. He is currently the chairman of the General Laws Committee where a majority of real estate related legislation is heard.
See the resolution below!