Priority Issues

Read about NVAR's work on several legislative and regulatory policy goals, including current priority issues, ongoing issues, standing Public Policy Positions, and recent Realtor® Advocacy Wins. Make your voice heard by submitting feedback for the annual NVAR Legislative Program, submitted every spring. 

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2024–2025 NVAR Legislative Agenda

Download the 2023-2024 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA (2)
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On-Going Issues

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NVAR Legislative Program

Legislative Program

Every spring, NVAR compiles legislative and regulatory policy goals for the coming year into a document called the NVAR Legislative Program.

The Legislative Program is developed over several months based on feedback given by NVAR members. The process begins in March, when NVAR committees and forums are asked to submit issues to the NVAR Public Policy Committee for consideration. Individual Realtors® may also submit issues to the committee. A task force researches these issues and recommends pertinent ones for inclusion in the Legislative Program.

Once a draft program has been developed, the Public Policy Committee reviews it and sends a final draft to NVAR’s Board of Directors for consideration. Following approval by the Board, NVAR forwards the program to the Virginia Association of Realtors® for inclusion in the statewide list of legislative priorities.

Your voice is important to us. If you have suggestions for items we should be looking into please email us at OR fill out this quick form.

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Town Hall Notes Blog

How Would YOU Change the Law?

Feb 19, 2016, 10:11 by User Not Found
The NVAR Public Policy Committee needs to hear from you as we discuss the issues that will become part of the NVAR legislative agenda for 2017. Read about NVAR members' recent visits to the VA State Capitol. Learn more about the Common Interest Community (CIC) Ombudsman and CIC Board Forum on March 31. Learn more about TransAction, the Northern VA Transportation Authority's long-range plan during upcoming meetings in February - April.

How would YOU Change the Law? What obstacles have hindered your Transactions? How should we protect property rights?

billWe want to know! As Realtors® you are the ones out there in the industry everyday, you know the market, you know the issues that can make it hard to do business, and you know what changes in law will help the industry. The NVAR Public Policy Committee needs to hear from you as we discuss the issues that will become part of the NVAR legislative agenda for 2017.

The development of our Legislative Program is a multi-step process conducted by NVAR's Realtor® members. Input from NVAR members has resulted in legislation that benefits you and your clients. Two recent examples are allowing the carryover of CE credits from one licensing period to another, and clarifying what fees Condos and POAs may charge.

Please submit any issues and accompanying background information to by April 1, 2016.

Realtor® Advocates in Action!

With the 2016 Virginia General Assembly Session in full swing, fellow members took advantage of two recent opportunities to make their voices heard in the halls of of the Virginia State Capitol.

Governor Terry McAuliffe addresses NVAR members in the Patrick Henry Building during the annual NVAR Legislative Trip to Richmond.

Delegate Randy Minchew addresses NVAR bus trip attendees at the morning briefing. Delegate Minchew is just one of the 11 legislators who stopped by to give the Realtors® an update on their session priorities.

A full house of NVAR Realtors® receive a briefing from the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority

NVAR Members meet in the office of Senator Chap Petersen at the VAR Legislative Advocacy Conference

Senator Barbara Favola discusses the 2016 Realtor® legislative package with her NVAR constituent members.

Realtor® and Delegate, Jackson Miller tells NVAR members about the power and value of the Realtor® Party in Richmond.


NVAR Public Policy Series: Common Interest Community (CIC) Ombudsman and CIC Board Forum; March 31, 10 am

Need assistance understanding your rights in resolving issues with a property owners' association? Has your clients' condo association violated laws or regulations? Have a complaint about a timeshare? Heather Gillespie, the Common Interest Community (CIC) Ombudsman and Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director for the CIC Board will join the Public Policy Forum March 31 at 10:00 am-12:00 pm to let you know how they can help with these and other issues.

Find out more about the Office of the CIC Ombudsman:


Northern Virginia Transportation Authority - TransAction 2040 Public Meetings

The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority is a regional body that is focused on transportation solutions by bringing Northern Virginia jurisdictions and agencies together to prioritize projects and implement solutions.

In August 2015, the Authority embarked on a major update to TransAction 2040, the first in the post-HB 2313 (2013) era. This update is significant as all projects funded with the 70% regional revenues must be in the Authority's long-range transportation plan. HB 2313 generates an estimated $300 million annually in local and regional transportation funding to Northern Virginia.

transactionThe updated plan - to be known simply as TransAction - will be adopted in late summer/early fall of 2017 and will inform the Authority's inaugural Six Year Program covering the FY2018-23 period. The update process is expected to last two years. When adopted, the TransAction update will provide a multi-modal guide for transportation investments in Northern Virginia and will be the mechanism through which over $1 billion will be allocated to much needed regional transportation improvements through fiscal years 2018-2023.

Click here for more about TransAction

Want to learn about the TransAction update in person? Attend one of the upcoming briefings at public meetings of local jurisdictions:

Monday, February 22, 2016, 8pm
Vienna Town Council Meeting
Vienna Town Hall, Council Chamber, 127 Center Street S, Vienna, VA 22180

Tuesday, March 15, 2016, 7pm
Dumfries Town Council Meeting
Dumfries Town Hall, 17755 Main Street, Dumfries, VA 22026

Thursday, March 17, 2016, 5pm
Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Loudoun County Board Room (first floor), Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, S.E., Leesburg, 20175

Monday, March 21, 2016, 7:30pm
Falls Church City Council Meeting
Falls Church City Hall, Dogwood Room (Level G), 300 Park Avenue, Falls Church, VA

Monday, March 28, 2016, 7:30pm
Leesburg Town Council Meeting
Leesburg Town Council Chambers, Municipal Government Center, 25 West Market Street, Leesburg, VA

Tuesday, April 5, 2016, 7pm
Herndon Town Council Meeting
Herndon Council Chambers Building, 765 Lynn Street, Herndon, VA


Deadline for In-Person Absentee Voting and Absentee Ballot Request Quickly Approaching

The much discussed 2016 Presidential Election is nearly upon us with the Virginia Primary taking place Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Many voters in Northern Virginia will choose to vote absentee either in-person or by mail for various reasons. In-person absentee voting began throughout the region on January 15 and continues through February.

Please see other important dates and deadlines and links to local election information below:

  • February 23: Deadline to Apply for an Absentee Ballot by Mail
  • February 27: Final Day, In-Person Absentee Voting
  • March 1: Absentee Ballot Return Deadline

For in-person absentee voting times and locations in your area, sample ballots and other election information, visit your local elections site:

Election Officers Needed!

Fairfax County needs Election Officers for upcoming elections. Election officers must be registered voters in Virginia and complete required training and forms. You may choose to accept the $175 stipend for a full day, or volunteer your time.

View the "Being an Election Officer" Video on YouTube

For more information, visit the Office of Elections website or call 703-324-4735, TTY 711.


Arlington County Manager Proposes $1.19 Billion Budget, with Possible Tax Reduction

arlingtonArlington County Manager Mark Schwartz previewed the Proposed Budget at a work session with the Board, and will formally present it at the Tuesday, Feb. 23 County Board Meeting, where the Board will also consider requests to advertise proposed taxes and fees for FY 2017.

The Board will hold two public hearings on the FY 2017 Proposed Budget, on Tuesday, March 29 at 7 p.m. in the County Board Room on the Third Floor of 2100 Clarendon Blvd., and at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, also in the County Board Room. The Board will adopt the Budget on April 16. To share your thoughts on the Proposed FY 2017 Budget, visit the County website.

Fairfax County Executive Proposes $3.99 Billion Budget and Real Estate Tax Increase

fairfaxFairfax County Executive Ed Long presented his proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Budget to the Board of Supervisors February 16. The proposed General Fund budget is $3.99 billion, a $168.7 million or a 4.4 percent increase over the FY 2016 Budget. Long's proposed budget includes a 4-cent increase (per $100 of assessed value) in the FY 2017 Real Estate Tax Rate.

Following this timeline, the Board of Supervisors will hold public hearings and meetings, make their revisions to the proposed budget, and adopt the FY 2017 Budget in April. It then becomes effective on July 1. Email your feedback and comments on the proposed budget to through mid-April.