

NVAR Board of Directors Meeting [Virtual]

May 22, 2025


Type of Event: Event

Member Attendance Policy

Thank you for your interest in observing the NVAR Board of Directors meeting.

Meetings of the Board are open to NVAR Members in good standing who wish to listen and observe proceedings, as well as guests invited by the President.

Members may view the Board Meeting by logging in to the member dashboard.

This meeting of the NVAR Board of Directors will be livestreamed to members via Zoom. Members are asked to respect that Directors, as elected representatives of the membership, have an agenda to discuss. Members attending the meeting may submit questions using the Q&A feature in Zoom. NVAR will make every reasonable effort to answer pertinent questions after the meeting. The Board may go into executive closed-door session, at which point all members will be excused from the meeting and placed in a waiting room. Members may be re-admitted after the Executive session if the Board reconvenes in open session.

By clicking the “Confirm & Attend” button and joining the meeting, members acknowledge and accept that all discussions and documents are to be treated confidentially and that the official spokesperson for the Board is the President or the President’s designee. Members further acknowledge and accept that audio recording, video recording, and live posting on social media by any attendee during the meeting are strictly prohibited.

Members who do not comply with the rules of order or decorum may be removed from the meeting and/or prohibited from attending future meetings.