

The Best in the Business - Making the Most of Your RPR® Reports [NVAR Herndon Center]

November 14, 2018

520 Huntmar Park Dive
Herndon, VA

Office: Herndon

Type of Event: Specialty

Instructor: Win Singleton

The word Specialty

The Best in the Business - Making the Most of Your RPR® Reports  - 10am – noon

RPR has an abundance of robust, easy to generate reports!  REALTORS® know that each client has specific needs and interests when it comes to buying or selling a home. Some clients want the complete backstory to a property, while other clients may simply want the basics on a neighborhood. RPR allows REALTORS® to tailor each report according to these client expectations. Join us to learn how to customize reports to suit your clients! We’ll also show you how to:


-Add your bio and other custom information to your RPR reports

-Brand RPR reports with your photo, contact information and broker logo

-Add or delete report segments to satisfy your clients’ needs

-Print, Email or Text reports to Clients

-Post RPR reports on social media  

-And more!


*Prerequisite - RPR Basic Course  (one must have created an RPR account and have a basic knowledge of RPR)