

Sept+Oct 2018

Aug 23, 2018, 14:42 PM
Year : 2018
Month : Sept+Oct
URL for Flash Flipbook :

Buyer Actions in a Sellers' Market: Act Fast, Bid High to Be Competitive

ACROSS THE COUNTRY and particularly in the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors® region, it is a sellers’ market: there are many more buyers than there are available homes.

What's Hot Today May Not Be Tomorrow: Residential Design Trends for Buyers and Sellers

When buyers look at homes today, their expectations are elevated by residences they see on HGTV and in well-appointed model homes.

Northern Virginia’s ‘Walkable Urban’ Development Creates a Model for the New American Dream

Get Involved: YOU Are NVAR

Your Bylaws, Your Board, Your Association: Your Vote!

Attend the 2018 NVAR Convention annual meeting to vote on Bylaw amendments.

2018 NVAR Hero Award Finalists Tapped

NVAR award candidates give by assisting essential nonprofits that help our community.

Renovations Modernize Herndon for Improved Member Experience

WITH UPDATED TECHNOLOGY, refurbished space and aesthetic upgrades,
the newly-renovated NVAR Herndon Center delivers an improved member
experience and matching “wow” factor.

Short-Term Rental Ordinances Seek to Balance Property Rights and Reasonable Regulation

Chairman Column: This Fall, Focus on Success

We have so much in store for you this fall. It is YOUR Association! Take advantage of your membership and let NVAR help you reach the next level.

CEO Column: NVAR's Brand is Your Business

As you now know from this magazine’s front cover, the theme for this year’s NVAR Convention & Trade Show is “Own Your Brand:Inspire. Connect. Grow.”

Stories from the Sept+Oct 2018 Issue