

Reflections on a Year of Leadership

In my final column as your 2017 chairman of the board, I want to share some of what I’ve learned about our industry, our community and our members.

We care about our clients and their ability to be able to buy, sell, or lease a home for themselves.

We care about our industry and know that it takes advocacy to keep laws in place that favor homeownership and a free market – so that homeownership can be obtained and maintained.

We care about our communities where our clients and their families work, live and play. Safe and healthy neighborhoods with good schools and public services are what make Northern Virginia such a desirable place to live.

Because we care, we must act. NVAR provides our members with the opportunity to make a difference at all levels.

NVAR Cares – about what we do in the communities, and offers multiple ways to get more involved: with Graham Road Elementary School; with Habitat for Humanity build days; with our NVAR Cares Committee, making recommendations about delivering support to worthwhile organizations. There are many ways to act and show that you care, too. Check out the stories on page 18 about some of our members who have heeded the call to serve others, and who are nominated for our first-ever NVAR Hero award.

NVAR Acts – through advocacy that supports our industry. Understand the issues, and be prepared to respond to the next Call for Action on Tax Reform Learn more about what’s at stake on page 15.

NVAR is #WORTHIT! And so are you. Our 2017 Convention & Trade Show, which took place on October 10, proves NVAR continues Taking us Further. Take a look at the photos on pages 7-10, which demonstrate that our association knows we are #WORTHIT. The NVAR staff and task force chair Karen Hall worked with a group of leaders to make sure that we have the tools, knowledge and connections we need to help our clients understand that we’re #WORTHIT – and they are, too! They deserve the professionalism that we deliver, with the help of our association.

I am looking forward to our December 7 Installation and Recognition event when I will pass the baton to your 2018 Chair Lorraine Arora, and we’ll also announce our Hero Award winner. Mark your calendars!

It has been an honor to serve as your 2017 Chair. As always, my door is open and my phone is on, ready to hear your comments, suggestions and concerns. I wish you all the best for a happy, healthy, productive and successful 2018.

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