Bus Trip Attendees meet with Governor, Legislators in Action-Packed Day

On a cold morning this past January, over 40 Northern Virginia Realtors® made the nearly two-hour bus trip down I-95 for the NVAR Public Policy Committee’s Annual Legislative Advocacy Trip to Richmond. Members were plied with pastry, bagels and plenty of hot coffee before being greeted on board by Public Policy Committee Chair Angie Delboy.
Once gathered in the General Assembly Building, attendees were briefed by Mary Beth Coya, NVAR senior vice president for public & government affairs, and Martin Johnson, chief of policy and advocacy for the Virginia Association of Realtors®, on the legislation included in the 2015 state Realtor® Agenda. Throughout the morning, numerous members of the State Senate and House of Delegates from the Northern Virginia region joined the Realtors® to provide an insiders’ view of the legislative process and the issues being considered in the General Assembly.
After a quick lunch, attendees divided into groups to visit the Capitol and observe the legislative process from the galleries of the House and Senate. Senate Minority Leader Dick Saslaw (D-Springfield) introduced the NVAR visitors from the Senate floor and Delegate Tom Rust (R-Herndon) recognized the NVAR group in the House.
The groups then attended committee hearings where Realtor® legislation was discussed, followed by visits to individual legislator offices from the Realtors’® own districts to discuss and advance the legislative agenda. The Realtors® reconvened for an address from Governor Terry McAuliffe.
After an exciting and tiring day, including visits with more than 30 legislators and legislative staffers, touring the Capitol and Governors’ Mansion, and perhaps stopping at a local establishment for a refreshment or two, participants enjoyed a wine and cheese happy hour on the bus back to Northern Virginia while listening to remarks from trip Sponsor Kevin Connelly of BB&T and NV/RPAC Chair Suzanne Granoski.

Attendees had the unique opportunity to see the important work that NVAR Government Affairs staff accomplishes in Richmond and got a first-hand look at the power of the Realtor® Party. Trip participants contributed and pledged over $6,000 to the NV/RPAC campaign to continue this crucial work in 2015.
If you missed out on this year’s trip, you can still support the advocacy work of NVAR through NV/RPAC. Consider investing in NV/RPAC today at go.nvar.com/RPAC or by contacting NVAR government affairs staff at 703-207-3201.
Thank You to Elected Officials for Participation in NVAR Day on the Hill

Governor Terry McAuliffe
Senator Jennifer Wexton
Delegate Marcus Simon
Delegate Rich Anderson
Delegate Jackson Miller
Delegate Vivian Watts
Delegate Ken Plum
Delegate David Bulova
Delegate Randy Minchew
Delegate Eileen Filler-Corn
Josh Veverka is the NVAR Government Affairs Director.