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Lee Lecea taught a first-time home buyer class
Three tents housing 30 vendor displays provided welcome relief from the sun as Northern Virginia residents visited NVAR’s April 29 Housing Fair.

NVAR Welcomes Consumers to First Housing Fair Featuring Education Sessions, Vendors, Free Document Shredding

Local residents flocked to NVAR’s Fairfax headquarters on Saturday, April 29 to attend the association’s first consumer housing fair. Responding to advertisements placed in magazines, newspapers, news websites and on WTOP radio, more than 200 people passed through tents featuring 30 vendors, enjoyed refreshments, chose from 15-minute education sessions, and had the option to shred up to three boxes of documents. Learn more at

The Washington Post published an article and WTOP had a news segment that announced the NVAR event. Consumers who signed up at NAR’s for Northern Virginia housing information received e-blasts about this learning opportunity.

true shred vehicle at the event
Dozens of boxes of documents were shredded free of charge for NVAR Housing Fair attendees. For added peace of mind, observers could witness their documents being fed into the shredding truck. 

Lee Lecea taught a first-time home buyer class
Lee Lecea of Movement Mortgage taught a first-time home buyer class about the importance of credit. Lecea’s was one of 15 sessions conducted throughout the day. Three tracks were offered: first-time home buyers, buyer & seller resources, and programs for military and active veterans.

A television crew interviewed NVAR Chairman Bob Adamson
A television crew from the Epoch Times interviewed NVAR Chairman Bob Adamson about home ownership opportunities in Northern Virginia.

Refreshments during NVAR housing fair
Refreshments awaited arriving exhibitors, instructors and attendees on the morning of April 29. Hot coffee gave way to ice cold water and soft drinks as temperatures climbed.
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