

Letter to the Editor: Long-time Member Lauds NVAR’s Focus on Caring for Community

writing a letter

We are pleased to share this letter to the editor, sent to the attention of Chairman Bob Adamson

Just finished reading the July-Aug issue of Re+View and just had to tell you how pleased I am with all the emphasis on community that is taking part at NVAR these days! As you may know, I served as a senior consultant (writing courses and training) for NeighborWorks America for a number of years starting in 1998. I worked very hard, especially in the early years, to build a bridge between the non-profit world and our sales-oriented world. It is really heart-warming to see so much of what you and the rest of the folks at NVAR are doing today. Congratulations and joyous thanks to you, Ryan, and all of the rest of those at the best Realtor® association there ever was - and is!!

With a happy smile on my face - Doris
Doris Barrell

Send us your letter to the editor at Please include your full name and contact information. Your comments might appear in a future issue!
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