

NAR Library Book 'RE+View': "Start With Why"

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Simon Sinek’s Best-Seller Unlocks the Secret to Inspirational Leadership

shoprealtor_icons-07-personal-successThe first in a new series, this book review explores one of the tens of thousands of titles available as part of your association membership. Visit to learn more about this valuable member benefit.

HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT why you do what you do? Or why clients choose you over other Realtors® when they are deciding with whom to list or buy? In his best-selling book, “Start With Why,” Simon Sinek describes a startling discovery. It turns out that all great and inspiring leaders and organizations in the world think, act, and communicate in the same way. And it’s the exact opposite to everyone else.

Most people market like this: they say what they do and then they say how they’re better than others at what they do, and then they expect some sort of behavior from their prospect as a result. For example, “I list and sell homes, and I can sell your home faster and for more money than other agents. Would you like to hire me?” In other words, they start with What and then they move to How. What’s missing is Why.

Everyone knows What they do. Most people (but not all) can tell you How they do it. Very few can tell you Why.

That’s what makes great and inspiring leaders and organizations different.

Instead of starting with What and then moving to How, they flip it. They start with Why, move to How, and then talk about What. Suppose instead you said, “I believe that selling a home should be one of the most fun and rewarding experiences of your lifetime. Throughout the process, I will always listen intently to what matters most to you and pledge to keep you fully informed about progress. Together, you and I will respond to market conditions in order to get you the best possible outcome. Would you like to talk about getting your home sold?”

People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Without a strong Why, we’re all commodities. The differentiation between us and our competition doesn’t happen in the Whats. It happens in the Whys and in the Hows. Price and features matter, but they do not set the course and they do not inspire behavior. Those who start with Why never manipulate; they inspire. When people buy into your Why, they choose to work with you because it just feels right. They don’t have to have a good rationale.

The goal is not to work with everyone who wants to buy or sell a home. The goal is to work with people who believe what you believe.

Your Why should be broad and should influence everything you say and everything you do. Your Why is a core belief. It’s what gets you out of bed in the morning. (By the way, your Why is never “to make money.” That is always an outcome, not a belief.)

Once you know your Why, it will guide everything you do and every decision you make – from how to invest your marketing dollars to how to spend your time. What you do should always be proof of your Why.

So, start thinking about this and ask yourself, “What is my Why?” It isn’t something you can copy from a friend or from a top producer in your office. It’s inside of you. It’s a core belief. It’s who you are and why you do what you do.

Remember, people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. If you’re struggling with identifying what your own Why is, perhaps after reading the book “Start With Why,” you could go back to NAR’s member library and check out Simon Sinek’s companion book, “Find Your Why.” I highly recommend both books!

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